10 Things You Should Avoid Doing When In Foreign Land

I am sure everyone knows about that old adage – “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” But this may not hold true everywhere around the world. We would urge you to do a proper research before entering a nation other than yours. Things that work in your country may not work in any other country. Your actions may cause some serious damage to you. Caution yourself always!!

We prepared a list of things that you should not do when entering the following countries:

1. This may impose a hefty fine or imprisonment up to 5 years. A cow is considered sacred in Hindu religion.



2. The punishments may vary according to the state. But it could either be imprisonment or criminal restitution or both.



3. It is officially against the law to consume alcohol in Saudi. If you do, then play safe. If you are caught, be prepared for public lashing. 



4. If you are coming back from Turkey with some good souvenir to impress your family and friends. Have a proper documentation for those. Else, the cops will make sure that you don’t get out of Turkey too soon. There may be exceptions but be prepared.



5.  In most of the countries, there are tough drug laws. But in Indonesia they are the toughest. It could result in death by firing squad no matter which country you are from. 



6. It is considered as an insult to Islam and can invite rigorous imprisonment.



7. It is against the law in Iran for a Non-Muslim man to have a relationship with a Muslim woman. So whenever you go there try to find a Non-Muslim woman for a date.



8. One cigarette can cost you up to $225. I am sure no one is interested in a cigarette worth Rs 14000. Even worse if you are caught selling tobacco or any other form of drugs.



9. PDA (Public Display of Affection) is a big NO.



10. This is where most of the Indian population go every year. Do not insult the king even after you had a couple of drinks. ” The Thai Criminal Code elaborates in section 112: “Whoever defames, insults or threatens the king, queen, heir apparent, or regent shall be punished with imprisonment of three to fifteen years.” You can read more here.


Also Read: 7 Shocking Laws Against Women Around The World Which Clearly Shows India Is Better Than A Lot Of Countries

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Article inputs from Matador Network and images sourced from Mintified



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