Heart Warming Story Of A Swedish Daughter And Indian Mother Reuniting After 42 Years

There couldn’t have been a better birthday gift for Neelakshi Elisabet Purve, a Swedish National who found her biological mother who gave her up 42 years ago. The great reunion happened 3 days before her birthday. Her years-long search for her mother ended in a Maharashtra Village on 12th September 2015.

After Neelakshi’s unsuccessful attempts to find her mother, she got in contact with a voluntary organization Against Child Trafficking (ACT) which traced her mother. In an interview with the TOI, she said that it is a miracle that happened and she’s been quite lucky to have found her roots. Many Indians adopted by foreigners under the inter-country adoption norms never find out who bore them and why they were given up for adoption.

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Her biological mother gave her up for adoption because her father had committed suicide and was adopted by a Swedish family in 1976. she added.

Elisabet spent 2 days with her mother and she also has plans to visit India regularly to spend time with her mother.

News Source – TOI &

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