This Lady Jumped From 86th Floor Of Empire State Building Only To Be Blown Back On 85th Floor

There is a poetry in Hindi by Saint Kabir, ‘Jako Rakhe Saiyan, Maar Sake Na Koi’ which means whoever has god’s support, nobody can hurt that person.

Well, something was not right on the day of 2nd December 1979 that 29-year-old Elvita Adams decided to take her life by jumping from the Empire State Building. Some sources say that she was suffering from depression, had a fight with her landlord and was about to be jailed. It’s for sure that something was not going right in her life which made her take that extreme decision to kill herself.

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The day was decided and she reached 86th floor of the Empire State Building and scaled a seven-foot fence. And then, she JUMPED FROM THE BUILDING.

In the evening of December 2, 1979, it was a very strong gust of wind – very strong. And, the impossible happened. As soon as she jumped the powerful gust of wind blew her back towards the building, albeit one floor down. The only loss was a fractured hip and then security guard got hold of her before she could make another attempt.

The Empire State Building is a 102-story landmark Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. Its name is derived from the nickname for the state of New York, The Empire State. It stood as the world's tallest building for more than forty years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the World Trade Center's North Tower was completed in 1972. Following the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001, the Empire State Building once again became the tallest building in New York City and New York State.
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Till date, only two people survived jumping from Empire state. The other person who survived also jumped from observation desk on 86th Floor and landed one floor down.

Very few people can escape death especially in a situation like this.

Article source – Nowiknow

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