6 Reasons Why Sales Is The Best Profession

I don’t know about other countries but in India, sales as a profession is never preferred by the majority of people. They end up coming to sales when they are rejected a couple of times in getting a job in their chosen field. They choose sales simply because they don’t have other options in hand. This is something that I’ve experienced by being into sales.

In my career as a sales guy for over 3 years, I have realized that it is the best profession to work in. And, I have a couple of reasons to support my statement.

Let’s take a look at some of those reasons.

1. Freedom

You don’t get it in any other profession. As long as you are meeting your targets, you are a free bird.

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2. Confidence

No other profession gives you as much confidence and motivation as sales do. From drafting proposals to presenting them in front of clients is not an easy thing to do. Confidence is always a result of your hard work and dedication.



3. Monthly Allowances

This is another form of monetary compensation other than your fixed salary. Claiming extra allowance is one point that no one would openly agree but most of us do it. Even our bosses have done it at some point. I sincerely feel that there is no problem in making an extra buck. Indian employees are anyways underpaid in comparison to the rest of the world.



4. Incentives

There’s a simple phenomenon in sales – the more you work, the more you earn. It is the only profession that pays you according to your capabilities. No matter if the salary is less, there is a great opportunity for you to earn huge incentives.



5. Perseverance

Sales is the only profession that teaches you perseverance. It is not at all easy. Before acquiring a big client, you have to go through a process of endless rejections which also makes it the least preferred. But, that’s how it teaches you some of the most important qualities that will go a long way in your life.



6. Never boring

A lot of my friends often complain about their monotonous and tiring jobs. Sales is never monotonous. You will never get bored. It will keep you on your toes and make you run for your life just to get your a** saved from the bosses.


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Featured image – Buzzintown



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