6 Indian Army Punishments That Can Give You Chills

There is no doubt in the fact that the Army is the most disciplined institution in the world. No one is ever allowed to bypass the rules. Everyone is supposed to obey the rules of seniors. If you disobey any of the rules, you attract some really painful punishments that you will never forget your entire life.

It is often argued that every citizen of the country should at least spend one year in military training which is actually a good idea. More than anything, it teaches you discipline which is one of the core values of living a good life.

Have a look.

1. Maharaja Position
It is one of the toughest punishment you would ever face. Your entire body is completely drenched in mud. This punishment is often enjoyed if there’s a group being punished.



2. Passing the drill
It’s quite difficult. If not done correctly, be ready to get insulted in front of your batchmates. Additionally, you will not be allowed for any leaves and some other benefits.



3. Running with Backpack
You probably have seen a lot of these in movies. Running 5 kms with your backpacks is not an easy task.  It can scare the hell out of you.



4. Crawling in cold water
This can be a spine-chilling experience for you. Crawling in the middle of the night with no clothes is not at all an easy task.



5. Front Roll
Front roll on a rough surface with backpacks under the sun is not something that anyone would like.



6. Crawling with a Backpack
This is a normal part of your army training as well. But if you were to do this alone, it can make you really uncomfortable.


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This article is inspired from this quora thread.

Featured Image – Filmapia



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