Mysore Tops The List As The Most Cleanest City In India, New Delhi Municipal Area Ranks 16

In a recent survey conducted by Union Urban Development Ministry, Mysore city of Karnataka has been ranked at the top in 476 cities. Karnataka has done exceptionally well with another three cities making it to the list of top 10. West Bengal has also done well with 25 cities and towns from the state finding place in the top 100 cities.


Only 15 of the capital cities surveyed figured among the top 100 performers while five were ranked beyond 300. Patna came at the bottom at 429. While the New Delhi Municipal Area (essentially central Lutyen’s Delhi) was 16th cleanest municipality on the list, immediately outside the circle of power things were starkly different. The rest of Delhi ranked 379th on a list of 476 cities. Even the pride of Delhi – the elite Lutyen’s zone could only manage a 16th rank. Among the bottom 100 cities, 74 are from North, 21 from East, three from West and two from South.


All the 476 class-1 cities in 31 states and union territories, each with a population of above one lakh were surveyed for assessing total sanitation practices covering a set of parameters including the extent of open defecation, solid waste management, seepage management, waste water treatment, drinking water quality, surface water quality of water bodies and mortality due to water borne diseases etc.

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