From Driver To Award Winning Social Entrepreneur

“When you want to start a business, money cannot be the first concern. It is important, of course, but never the first thing.”

This is what Sharanyan Sharma believes in. The man who dropped his dream of doing his higher education in IT to becoming a Taxi Driver in Sri Lanka because of extreme conditions during Tamil-Sinhalese civil war. Sharanyan Sharma was always inspired by technology and tried to do something in the e-commerce and digital marketing space. But he could not pursue his dream because of his financial conditions which led him to work as a taxi driver in Sri Lanka.

But the turning point came in his family when he decided to concentrate on doing some professional work. At that time, he had no money. The only thing he had was his confidence and a clear vision about his goal.



It was not easy for him to start his own business. It took him 3 months to get his first sale and they is when he launched Extreme-Seo.Net. Other than Extreme-Seo.Net he also launched some other websites, etc. Meanwhile he kept on doing certification and programs which were important for him to stay and grow his business.

Sharanyan and his company have got several certification (SEO, Google analytics, etc.) won many awards in the past few years. In 2012 and 2013, he was nominated as the best emerging entrepreneur at the provincial and national level. In 2013, he also won the entrepreneurship award in the Asia Pacific region for the turnover and for employing people in troubled areas. Last year, he was awarded the Young Entrepreneur of the Year prize.


Many other things can be told about Sharanyan’s story, because his entrepreneurial journey has been eventful. He has shaped his own code of conduct through experiences, the reason why he prioritises ‘learning by doing’ as opposed to ‘learning at school’ (he got a diploma, but only after becoming an affirmed entrepreneur). Ultimately, one understands his philosophy when he says: “On every page of my business plan, I wrote ‘never give up’, because that is the first mandatory step to be unique.”


Source – Yourstory



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