11 Interesting Facts About Condoms That Are Sure To Surprise You

Condom, undoubtedly, is one of the greatest inventions in the world. Whether you like it or not, it is indeed a very important product for the mankind which helps to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If you think a condom is an invention of 20th Century, then you are highly mistaken my friend. It was first used thousands of years ago.

Other than this, there are a lot of interesting facts about this interesting product that helps you to have a great night. 😛

1. Condoms were really hard to get ONCE

In the early 19th century, condoms were only available to men on prescription and to women for birth control and STD prevention only if the doctor prescribed. And, prescriptions were really hard to get during those times.

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2. Condoms were developed to combat Syphilis

A 16th Century Physician named Gabriele Falloppio was the first person to describe a condom. He also advocated the use of a linen sheath wrapped around a penis which is now called a condom to prevent Syphilis.

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3. Condoms are ancient

They were first discovered in the caves of France around 12,000 years ago. The painting found in the cave was the earliest known sign of a man using a condom.

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4. At Sochi Olympics in Russia, approximately 100,000 condoms were given to the athletes with an average of 35 condoms per athlete.

5. Condoms used to be made of other materials

In the past, condoms were made using animal intestine, linen, silk, leather etc. Different countries used different materials to make a condom. Durex company sold first latex condom in 1920 and since then, latex is widely used for manufacturing a condom.

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6. Danish word for condom is ‘svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel’ which in English means ‘Rubberman’. I am trying to pronounce it for last 2 hours – Can someone help? In Hong Kong, it is called ‘bullet proof vest’ or ‘Pei dang vi’.


7. It is estimated that around 5,000,000,000 condoms are used every year worldwide.

8. During World War II, condoms were used to cover rifle barrels from being damaged by salt waters as the soldiers swam to shore.

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9. The World’s largest condom was 260 feet tall and 330 feet around. It was created by the Guilin Latex Company and erected in Southern China.

10. An average condom can hold up to a gallon of liquid.

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11. Condoms used to be reusable

Because of the fact that condoms were quite expensive during the 16th Century, they were reused. And, the worst jobs that were given to the women working in brothels in Japan during WWII was to clean a condom.


Now, you know how condoms have been part of our history and you still fear to ask for a condom from a shop.


With inputs from 1, & 3

Featured Image: Practically Viral




Well, let me be very honest with you before I begin this story. You know why I am scared of hearing such stories
You can start editing here -- including this comment!

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