14 Amazing Reasons To Date A Punjabi Girl

Disclaimer: We are in no way trying to prove that Punjabi girls are the most amazing girls on the planet. With this article, we intend to showcase the positives about a Punjabi girl. It is our own viewpoint.

Born into a Punjabi family, I have always been around with Punjabi people all my life. And, being with Punjabi girl is like a roller-coaster ride – always uncertain and unpredictable. You would never know when she is happy & when she is angry.

Anyways, here are a few pointers on why you should date a Punjabi Girl.

1. She is a Foodie

Punjabis are always high on food. She would know each and every food outlet in the locality. Be always open to try different things. If you have a Punjabi girlfriend, make sure to get used to overeating. You might have to eat a full plate of pav-bhaji even after having your meal. Be prepared for it.

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2. Drink & Dance

Both these words are an integral part of Punjabi culture. Not every Punjabi girl drinks & dance. But if they do, they create milestones which are difficult to break. Get ready to spend the craziest time of your life if your Punjabi girl is a darubazz. And they may a larger daru capacity than you.

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3. Punjabi Weddings

You might get an opportunity to attend a couple of Punjabi weddings. And, you all know that Punjabi weddings are always larger than life. They are simply awesome with amazing food, finest drinks and amazing dance numbers. Be always prepared to dance at a Punjabi wedding. You never know when someone pushes you to the dance floor.

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4. Punjabi Family

The dad will open up his best scotch for you. The mother will serve you more, well, food. Punjabi families are some of the most open-minded, and fun families to be around.

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5. She’s a true fighter

Everyone knows Punjabis are the bravest. She would always have an attitude of a fighter. She won’t give up easily. Now, Don’t assume that she would kick your a** everytime you do a mistake. Just don’t worry and take it easy because they also show signs of mindlessness sometimes.  So you should know how to handle them.

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6. Be prepared for the truth

Punjabi girls don’t know how to beat around the bush. They would straight away come to the point and say the truth. How hard it is but be prepared for it. She would never hold any grudge. She speaks her heart out.

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7. She’s a wholesome entertainer

You don’t need a television at your home. She has the power to keep you engaged in the tiniest thing possible. She is garrulous. So, be prepared to talk. They are very expressive.

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8. Cooking

Punjabi girls are really good cooks. They are quite quick in learning new recipes and their flawless execution. Be prepared for some extra spice in your meal & your life.

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9. Expert in Non-veg jokes

She can talk a mile a minute and probably knows more “non-veg” jokes than you thought possible. So no dull moments in your life.

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10. Extravagant

They really have a big heart. Always ready to support you when in need. She’s going to shower you with gifts and love. Money is not a priority for them. But make sure to love and care for them. That’s what they truly look out for.

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Featured Image- Gosswoss



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