15 Of The Most Brutal Prisons From Around The World! #10 Is Downright Terrifying!

Deserving or not, what these inmates go through while imprisoned will make you shriek. These dehumanizing acts performed on them will shock you. With lack of any facilities, food, care, sexual abuse and torture, what they go through will make you appreciate what you have. Yes justice needs to be served and the guilty punished, but in this way?? Let’s not forget that they are humans that made mistakes, some big, some small but the consequence of being an inmate in these prisons are the same.

1. Bang Kwang Central Prison – Nonthaburi Province, Thailand
Reserved only for serious offenders and prisoners sentenced to life behind bars, the prison keeps the offenders chained at all times. They are provided only a bowl of rice and soup a day and are required to buy anything else from the canteen. It is severely overcrowded and 70% of them suffer from depression.


2. Rikers Island Prison
Known for its brutal violence on the inmates, this prison has seem many suicides and death cause by violence directed at the inmates. The worst part is that most of the inmates there are in for relatively minor crimes like drug trafficking, etc.

3. Alcatraz Island Prison
With no possible way of escaping, this prison is known for its harsh treatment meted out on the inmates. They were forced to live in complete silence and the unhygienic surroundings drove some of the inmates to insanity.

4. Vladimir Central Prison, Russia
Built in 1783, this prison is known for its inhumane treatment of the inmates. The prisoners were called out of their cells and beaten brutally before being dragged back into their cells. Some of the prisoners even died as a result of this treatment. It is also known for being disease infested.

5. Butyrka Prison, Moscow, Russia
Known for its severe violence if the inmates protested, this prison is packed 100 inmates into a cell meant for only 10. Most of them die of AIDS and tuberculosis.

6. The San Paulo Prison
You’ll be dumped in here even if you are caught rioting. The prison is terribly overpopulated and has a history of extremely harsh treatment of the inmates.

7. La Sante Prison, France.
Carlos the jackal has spent time in this hellish facility! In here the inmates are locked in for 23 hours a day and with temperatures reaching well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, many of them are driven mad by the heat and commit suicide.

8. Gldani Prison, Georgia
This Prison is known for torturing and sexually assaulting their inmates. There have been reports of videos that showed in horrid detail the kind of physical and verbal abuse that was handed down to the prisoners. This abuse even went as far as sexually assaulting the inmates with brooms and police batons.

9. San Quentin State Prison, Marin, California
The center of gang activity, The Black Guerrilla Family was founded here in 1966 and the Aryan Brotherhood in 1967. One could only imagine what happens in these prisons.

10. Diyarbakir Prison – Turkey
Between 1981-1984, 34 prisoners lost their lives after being tortured. The unlivable conditions created by regular torture, overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions also force them to commit suicide; while one depressed inmate even lit himself on fire. This one is also notorious for its sexual abuse.

11. La Sabaneta Prison, Venezuela.
This is probably the worst of the worst, in which death is something very normal. Here prisoners live with a merciless staff, diseases, and insufficient food. There has been a cholera outbreak claimed the lives of 700 inmates. In 1994 a riot saw the massacre of about 100 of them.

12. ADX-Florence Supermax Facility – Colorado
This facility is an American federal supermax prison designed to house the most dangerous male criminals. The inmates here are held in round the clock confinement. Sexually abuse and violence on the inmates is a regular thing and some have even filed cases against the prison guards for the same.

13. Tadmor Prison, Syria
Every aspect of this prison is dehumanizing.  It is known for the massacre in 1980 when President Hafiz Al-Azad, who had survived an attack on his life in the prison, ordered the killing of every single inmate in the prison. His soldiers are rumored to have killed up to 800 political and criminal prisoners and left behind a mess that took 2 weeks to clean up.

14. Nairobi Prison – Nairobi, Kenya
Built to hold 800 inmates, this prison is packed with 3000 prisoners. Such is their plight that they don’t even have uniforms for most of the inmates. Their cells reek of sweat, filth and human waste, and the stench of raw sewage hangs in the air. Let’s not even start on the treatment the inmates are faced with.

15. Black Beach – Malabo, Equatorial Guinea
This prison is infested with rats, chronic diseases, brutality of the guards and sexual abuse. Inmates have died as a result of torture and beatings received from the guards. Some inmates have even been held in solitary confinement for more than four years. Their families are not even allowed to meet them.

Source – welikeviral



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